Hari ini adalah hari bersejarah bagi umat Islam sempena perjalanan yang menakjubkan Rasulullah dari Masjidil Aqsa di Palestin, meredah 7 petala langit ke Sidratul Muntaha melalui Baitul Makmur, memenuhi undangan Allah SWT didalam tempoh satu malam.
Hari tersebut juga pada asasnya menguji ketaqwaan dan keimanan umat Islam pada zaman Rasulullah atas sesuatu perkara yang dianggap terlalu mustahil mengikut logik akal.
Teringat pada masa kecil dikampung, setiap kali israk mikraj, maka diceritakan berhari-hari pelbagai kejadian tentang perjalanan Rasulullah yang penuh dengan teladan dan panduan untuk kehidupan umat Islam yang mana hikmah terbesar Israk Mikraj, Allah SWT telah memerintahkan ibadah Solat kepada umat Islam.
Ramai mungkin tidak sedar akan hari-hari kebesaran dalam Islam, malah saya yakin ramai diantara kita yang masih gagal menghafal bulan-bulan Islam, itu belum cerita menghafal ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran. Jangan cerita hafal lagi, baca Quran pun mungkin ramai dah lupa bila akhir sekali buka al-Quran dan baca. Yang hafiz pula, adakah ajaran al-Quran dan Hadith dihayati?
Hmm..bukan nak ingatkan orang lain sebenarnya...satu jari tunjuk pada orang, 3 jari tunjuk pada diri sendiri.
P/s; Di Palestin menerusi berita hari ini, penduduk Gaza merayu agar puak Hamas dan Fatah bersatu. Apakah kita tidak terfikir sebarang pengajaran dari negara Palestin kalau kita berpecah belah? Mengapa ada orang Islam sendiri menentang usaha untuk bersatu? Taraf manakah orang-orang tersebut disisi Allah SWT.?
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Betul tu Yed, sampai bila nak bertelagah? Kalau dilihat di dunia hari ini, byk puak di kalangan umat Islam sendiri... sanggup berperang sehingga musuh Islam mengambil kesempatan atas perbezaan pendapat. Dan lihat shj di Malaysia, mahukah kita musuh Islam mencampuri urusan dan kedaulatan negara kita?
p/s : Aku seharian kat rumah hari ni, melayan keletah anak2 aku... Org rumah kerja. Jadik househusband laa hari ni, hehehe!
Memang ramai yang tak sedar akan hari/malam yang begitu bermakna bagi kita umat Islam. Lebih-lebih lagi tahun ini.
Ini kerana senerio politik kita yang heboh dan kecoh tak kesudahan satu demi satu dan masyarakat sekarang disibukkan dengan hal keduniaan hingga ramai yang terlupa akan Israk Mikraj.
Memang masa dulu dulu sebelum kita ada hp, internet dan berbagai jenis hiburan kita semua 'look forward' apa apa juga sambutan di surau atau masjid atau apa apa yang diadakan di sekolah/kolej/universiti2.
Sayang sekarang segalanya telah berubah.
Semoga apa juga kemelut yang melanda masyarakat Melayu akan segara dapat diselesaikan dan kita semua bersatu demi bangsa, agama dan negara.
Nasib baik aku sedar semalam Israk Mikraj. Tapi tak de cuti la pulak kan hehehe.
Kegagalan dan kecuaian umat islam untuk bersatu menyebabkan dia ditindas. Apa yang terjadi di Palestine ada contoh yang sangat nyata bila orang islam bergaduh sesama sendiri. Akibatnya Yahudi punya kerja semakin senang. Tak payah nak susah-susah buang peluru nak bunuh orang islam pasal orang islam sendiri dah berbunuhan sesama mereka.
Cuba kau bayangkan, kalau semua negara Arab bersatu, betapa hebat dan kuatnya mereka. Sekali kasi sebijik kat Israel terus tergolek. Tapi realitinya penyatuan Arab tidak akan berlaku. Dan selagi itulah umat islam akan ditindas di Palestine.
Di Malaysia juga kalau dibiarkan persengketaan berpanjangan, tak mustahil melayu akan ditindas oelh bangsa lain. UMNO yang sepatutnya memperjuangkan nasib dan martabat orang melayu sudah semakin terpesong dari landasannya di bawah pimpinan Pak Lah. Dialah orang yang bertanggungjawap membawa orang Melayu ke lembah kehancuran.
Aku tak suka pada Anwar kerana dia barua barat. Dia mempergunakan agama dan ayat quran untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Seriously, sekarang ni aku dah nampak muka anwar macam ada rupa orang yahudi. Lidahnya bercabang dan dikepala ada tanduk. Si Anwar inilah penyebab utama perpecahan orang melayu sejak dari 1997 lagi.
Aku harap UMNO & PAS dpt bersatu, or at least permulaan ni buat laa muzakarah ke, muqabalah ke, apa2 pun laa... Mmg DAP sure berbulu punye.
We are reminding Najib and Mahathir about this, that Malaysia is not an Islamic state and it is not in a social contract.
Malay Sakai, so please tell Badawi about it. Umno has always threatened the non-malays with riots and chaos. Nobody in Malaysia has started riots and chaos except for Umno.
Umno has a deep rooted tradition of starting riots and chaos when every time they can't debate sensibly.
The social contract is there alright and many do not question it. But is the social contract followed according to the spirit or hijacked to the benefit of a few?
Just look at the number of huge projects that has failed is proof enough. Yet these are treated like normal - part of everyday happening.
All the social contract talk does not hold any water, when you have people in power, namely Umno abusing their power. In fact, they are indirectly telling you, that they have the right to abuse the power. Is this fair? Of course it is unfair. You don't even need a social contract to tell you whether it is fair or not.
Social contract didn't say that Malaysia is an Islamic state. On the contrary the social contract expressly stated that Malaysia was and is not an Islamic state.
Now the deliberate misinterpretation, apparently accepted by Umno, is that Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) is an Islamic state!
Sabah and Sarawak would never have joined Malaysia if they had known that Malaysia will be deemed an Islamic state.
If the social contract meant that the non-malays would merely exchange the British masters for the malay masters, they would never have agreed to join the malays for independence.
What is the difference of having the British lording over the non-malays and having the malays doing the same to the non-malays! Probably worse. At least the British had some respect for fairness while the malays have none!
So to get independence, the malays needed the non-malays. Without the non-malays agreement, the British would not have granted independence. So, is that not also part of the social contract? It is not a one-sided malay right. The malays would not be where they are without the non-malays.
Bodoh punya melayu……….
Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?
Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.
Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!
Bodoh melayu!
Then let me re-quote Lee Kuan Yew:
Singaporean politician Lee Kuan Yew of the PAP, who publicly questioned the need for Article 153 in parliament, and called for a "Malaysian Malaysia".
In a speech, Lee Kuan Yew bemoaned what would later be described as the Malaysian social contract:
"According to history, malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of Umno, Dato Syed Jaafar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty. Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysians only through their favour."
Eventually, and Singapore became an independent nation in 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew as its first prime minister.
So what about UK lands in the Peninsula? What was that called Tanah UK?
And what about the 4 northern states that belonged to Thailand, that the Sultan groveled to the UK to take back? Tanah Thai?
And previous to that all the lands owned by Portugal and Holland? Tanah Portugal and Holland?
And how about the fiefdom of Raja Brooke in Borneo? Tanah Brooke?
Each state may have had its own Sultan and government but that does not = Malaysia!
If Malaysia was your own land to control then how come we had to have independence? I suppose Umno teach you that you have to declare independence from yourself?
Stupidest thing I ever heard!
You should go study Malaysia history, real Malaysia history not that doctored Umno garbage!
It has nothing to do with Chinese. It has to do with malays versus the world.
So what if all Chinese left Malaysia, malays still have to compete with the rest of world. Malays can still be "conquered" by foreigners. You cannot escape competition.
Malays still have to learn how to live and work with the rest of world since Malaysia is a "small" country and has to trade with China and India.
Why do Chinese want to conquer and control Malaysia? It is so small. Chinese wants to be global competitor. We do not want to be "Jaguh" Kampung.
The choice lay with malays. Learn to compete or suffer the consequences. That is the universal value of the world.
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
The culture of jealousy never die. Mahathir promoted the sense of jealousy of malays against non-malays to get into power.
He promoted again jealousy of Malaysians, and malays in particular against the son in law of Badawi to throw Badawi out, so that his nominees can go in.
Now it is generally accepted that jealousy between races has a legitimate claim to attention. Then NEP will not go way and Najib claimed that there cannot be a time limit for NEP.
His father asked for 20 years, and he now says 200 years, until the country is taken over by foreign power, whichever is earlier.
Let us not provide excuse to Umno.
Badawi can formulate any policy. On the ground level where the heads are not qualified themselves as their staff - many problems will arise.
Further the NEP will somehow make good brains frustrated and will certainly be the main causes of frustrations. At best we can get the second rate staff to stay - the top ones will have no problem seeking better salaries and futures elsewhere without the glass ceiling overhanging their heads.
Our national sense of belonging will be lost when day in and day out we feel the impact of marginalisation in almost every sphere of educational or economic activities.
I think we are in even more for hubs of abandoned projects because it is the brains that matters, not real estate buildings which politicians are only good at how to initiate to build for their own gains. When coming to real research and real productive work, you only have lots of unemployable graduates lining up to fill them.
Best of luck Malaysia, while Malaysians of the best calibre are in our neighbouring countries creating state of art products and discoveries.
The people with brains first go to Singapore, then Australia, then the US. Apparently roughly 2 million Malaysians have emigrated since the 1970s. Wow, what a brain drain that is……….
S/he did the right thing by moving out of Malaysia. As long as is a Malaysian non-malay, you will be suppressed. They don't need scientists but more keris wielding morons to run the expensive labs.
So anytime the experiment didn't work out, they can go straight and blame that the equipment is outdated. Anybody disputes their claim, they can take out the keris and showed their "power". Good for them. Malaysia is turning to a baboon infested country.
Let alone those whose have already left. How about those who came back earlier with their foreign wives! The immigration department has made their renewal of visa a living hell, and they are not allowed to work no matter how qualified they may be. Eventually these "loyal Malaysians" also end up packing their bags and leave.
The politicians can say one thing but it never gets implemented at the ground level. Look at the mess surrounding Malaysia "My Second Home" campaign - how many have actually come here and then left in deep frustration!
The racists in Umno will also make certain that such policies will be doomed to fail. They would rather give citizenship to unruly and uneducated illegal Indonesians than some non-malay PhD holders.
Get your children out of this sucking country before it is too late! This is a hopeless and dirty country with all the lousy ministers and corrupted politicians.
I am afraid there is nothing second class citizens like us can do.
Emigrate to other countries looks to be a better option. Of course, the exodus has started decades ago. In fact, Umno will be most happy to see us go (race ratio, you know what I mean).
Umno does not depend on the second class citizens for the brains. They have the many universities in Bolehland to train their kind and churn out any number of experts you want. So brain drain is not a problem.
Malaysia is slowly and surely turning into a very sick place. We must finish off Umno and its cronies to cure the country from this acute sickness.
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