Sumber: mStar 28-12-2008
[DIKEMAS KINI] KUALA PILAH: Dewan Keadilan dan Undang Negeri Sembilan akan bersidang pada pukul 3 petang ini bagi membincangkan mengenai pelantikan Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang baru.
Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan berkata, persidangan itu adalah antara Undang Yang Empat dan Tunku Besar Tampin untuk memilih pengganti Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan.
"Kita akan adakan persidangan berkenaan petang ini dan akan umumkan (keputusan pelantikan) sama ada lewat petang ini selepas persidangan atau kita umumkan esok," katanya kepada pemberita di Istana Besar Seri Menanti di sini hari ini.
Pemilihan bakal Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang baru berbeza dengan cara pemilihan pengganti raja dan sultan di negeri-negeri di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu.
Pemilihan pengganti dibuat antara Putera Yang Empat iaitu Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku Mukhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir, Tunku Laxamana Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Ja'afar, Tunku Muda Serting Tunku Imran Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Ja'afar dan Tuanku Panglima Besar Tunku Nazaruddin Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Ja'afar.
"Dari keempat-empat mereka ini, seorang akan dipilih sebagai Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Besar Sembilan yang baru. Kaedah pemilihan ini dibuat oleh Undang Yang Empat," kata Tiang Kerajaan (Pakar Rujuk Adat Perpatih) kepada Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Datuk Seri Maharaja Khalid Bonget, 69.
Persidangan yang diadakan pada pukul 3 petang di Istana Besar Seri Menanti dan pengumuman dijangka dibuat lewat petang ini atau esok sebelum jenazah Almarhum dimakamkan.
Khalid berkata, pemilihan bakal Yang Dipertuan Besar ini adalah mengikut adat yang diucap dan dipakai seperti kata adat "Yamtuan Mangkat, Yamtuan Menanam", begitu juga dengan "Undang Mangkat", Undang Menanam" yang bermaksud mengumumkan pengganti Yang Dipertuan Besar Negari Sembilan sebelum Almarhum disemadikan.
Cara pelantikan ini dipakai mengikut Adat Perpatih dari dahulu hingga selama-lamanya.
Beliau berkata, kemangkatan Almarhum Tuanku Ja'afar telah dimaklumkan kepada Undang Yang Empat dan Tunku Besar Tampin oleh Datuk-Datuk Lembaga Yang Empat Luak Ulu Muar iaitu Datuk Paduka Besar, Datuk Seri Maharaja, Datuk Senara Muda dan Datuk Orang Kaya Bongsu.
"Kemudian Undang Yang Empat dan Tunku Besar Tampin akan menziarahi jenazah Almarhum baginda, setelah itu mereka akan mengadakan rundingan secara tertutup bagi memilih bakal Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri yang baru," katanya.
Istiadat pemakaman jenazah Almarhum baginda akan diadakan esok selepas solat asar.
Tempoh berkabung berikutan kemangkatan baginda ialah selama 40 hari sejak semalam.
Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Ja'afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 86, mangkat di Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar (HTJ) Seremban pada pukul 11.45 pagi semalam.
p/s: Indahnya budaya Adat Pepatih..
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Sewajarnya diberi kepada pemegang hak sebenar iaitu Tengku Mukhriz.
btol2x..sokog sgt2...
Jangkaan saya terbukti betul. Daulat Tuanku.
Hari ini hari paling bersejarah buat Negeri Sembilan kerana takhta Raja telah dikembalikan kepada yang berhak.
Sembah Tahniah Yang DiPertuan Besar Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir.
Daulat Tuanku!!
By the way, sesapa nak volunteer tolongkan anak raja 'omputih' pindah istana?
Daulat Tuanku!
Tahniah la kepada Oghang Nogori. Daulat Tuanku !
tahniah tengku muhriz..apapun jadi raja/pemimpin sesebuah negeri kena pandai ..jgn menghabiskan harta rakyat dan berhutang
Aku blur hahahaahha
mmg pd asal almarhum tuanku jaafar menggantikan tempat tengku mukhriz krn usianya yg muda. jadi sewajarnyolah, tempat itu dikembalikan kpd ompunya diri..
ini baru upacara berdepan dgn raja di dunia, blm lagi nak berdepan dgn 'Raja Segala Raja' di pdg mahsyar nanti..!
BRO....psscmns buat makan mlm 31/1/09 kek pusat islam paroi....ado sesapo inform?... kalau takdo silo lah hubungi mokhtar @fir....ramai ahli lamo yang tak aktif pun mai....
yid.. bila2 free drop by blog eden dan kongsi2 perkembangan semasa serta perkembangan negoghi..
If you turn on BBC, there are fair and equal coverage on the UK opposition parties.
So is NHK (Japan), so is KBS (Korea), so is CNN (America), so is CBC (Canada), so is ABC (Australia).
Even in our neighboring Thailand, their TV coverage is fair for both ruling and opposition parties!
Only in this Umno hijacked country that you find most lop-sided idiotic coverage on Umno and its running dog partners!
A non-malay even though he is more capable and more qualified but cannot:
Be - the prime minister of the country
Be - the deputy prime minister of the country
Be - the head of any branch of the armed forces in the country
Be - the head of department in a ministry
Be - the head of state of the states with no rulers
Be - the head prefect of a national school
Be - the IGP of the country
Be - the nominated as the best of the best in the school
Be - the secretary-general or deputy secretary-general of a ministry
What is worse is that the PM goes around telling people, repeating a crazy lie, by saying that - "We do not practice racial discrimination in our country".
Did the MCA and MIC leaders agree to this in 1957?
Did the people in Sabah and Sarawak also agree to this in 1963?
I think malays will keep on to give rubbish answer!
Bodoh punya melayu babi……….
Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?
Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.
Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!
Bodoh melayu babi!
"Racial polarisation in the country is not caused by the country vernacular school system but more by the government political, education and economic discriminative policies" - an educationist said today.
The prime minister and all the Umno ministers will never admit that polarisation arises more out of the race-based policies and privileges one race gets over another.
Similarly, there are other areas of our daily lives where terminologies used have made us view certain practices as privileges rather than sacrifices. For instance, the bumi discount for houses.
The total sale value to the developer is still the same. It is just that the non-malay buyer is likely to be required to pay for some of the discount given to the malays.
But the longer the NEP policies continue and the greater the vehemence with which Umno politicians issue threats, terminologies will change and more people will talk about these practices or policies in words that may not sound as pleasing to the ears of the beneficiaries.
Obviously, at that point we shall probably see a new round of discriminations and disagreements. Unfortunately, as long as only weak people take on leadership roles within Umno, threats will continue, NEP policies will be sustained and corruption will prevail.
That unfortunately is the legacy we have as Malaysians.
The basic building blocks of unity, whether you are uniting different ethnic groups in a country or trying to re-engineer a corporation of differing cultural values, are the same.
The principal parties have to be treated as equals - nor special privileges no favours that would favour one group over another. Any privilege that is given should be given to all on the same basis - for example, special privilege given to the financially poor regardless of race or ethnic origin.
It is only on this equitable footing that you can foster true nationalism and build lasting unity, since each component group will have the same stake in the nation and has equal likelihood in reaping the rewards or suffering the consequences.
My recommendation to the government, not simply as a businessman but also based on pragmatism, is not to waste any more taxpayer ringgit on nationalism programmes until it has established the pre-conditions for its success.
What is sad is that, after almost five decades of independence, we have been unable in Malaysia, to bring globally-vision leaders to the forefront - leaders who can see beyond racial boundaries to recognise the immense sociological and economic potential that can benefit all Malaysians.
Got NEP, you complain! Abolish NEP, you make noise!
Become Ali Baba, you lament! Ask you to work hard, you don't want!
And you keep on blaming other communities for everything!
"Pathetic" is the word my malay friends!
It pains me further to know that as advanced or intellectually superior we claim to be, we are still unable to see pass belief or skin color.
Let me ask you a question, if your mother treats your brother much better than you, give him a car, education and house and you "zero" - how will you feel?
You malays are so lazy to even talk, what can you do? If you don't like us arguing, you can go back to Indonesia!
Malays being strong? Even with all these racist quotas to help the malays, the malays are still weak, so don't talk rubbish here! If we take away the tongkat, don't you think malays will fall? Strong? Strong people don't need tongkat in the first place!
If the Chinese were to leave Malaysia as when they leave Vietnam, Malaysia will be just like Vietnam - one of the poorest countries in the world!
Malays are sharp? Copy food and marriage festival from Indians, copy language from English. What are your original things that you guys invented? I think even the sarong is borrowed from the Indians!
I know one thing you guys didn't borrow from people - laziness and stupidity!
I forgot, you are a Muslim but I thought Quran ask people not to lie. So do you think you will go to heaven or hell by your religion standards?
If Malaysia was built by malays, the British won't bring in Chinese and Indians to develop the economy. Malays are well known for being lazy and stupid, that is the reason why the British brought in foreign labours, was you sleeping when Mahathir pointed out this fact?
Does a strong man need a tongkat to walk? Only those paralyzed malays like you need tongkat.
What is wrong with Mahathir saying a person who needs a tongkat is weak, because that is the truth. Other people can run but the malays cannot even walk without a tongkat!
Then why don't we use your logic: Give the special rights to non-malays, and malays have no special rights. By then, you will complain and should you go back to Indonesia?
Why do Indonesians come to Malaysia to work when they are so strong? Because they like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese's income tax! Use your brain, which has not been used because you are so lazy.
The reason why Malaysia suffered a currency plunge is because the government was giving out a lot of loans to people who cannot pay back (the malays) and they were helping a lot of government cronies based on race.
Why didn't the Singapore suffer a similar fate? Because they are efficient. In Malaysia, it is all about malays subsidies and saving malays asses.
If the Chinese didn't save the economy in 1997, the currency would have plunge even lower and the economy suffer even more! This is all because of the weakness of the racist policies.
Isn't it stupid to see these racial bashings, and to think that we consider ourselves a successful multi-racial country?
If you do not want Malaysians and even foreigners to criticize Malaysia due to their racist policies, please remove them. That is the biggest obstacle to unity and not because we have Chinese or Tamil schools!
I am trying to tell everyone this country is belong to every Malaysian - a country which left majority Chinese will develop like Taiwan and a country only left malays will become like Indonesia - there is nothing special about this country anymore.
Dan memang hak Tengku Mukhriz..Undang2 Empat yang bijak
Daulat Tuanku !
kalau orang tanah melayu tak datang sabah serawak, mungkin rumah awak masih masih atas pokok..jadi bersyukurla..dapat semua dan makan minum yang baik..kalau tidak babi hutan dan kera jadi lauk..
teman teman
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