Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Jerusalem Times Dated 7.1.2006

I just read this article where it was published in Israel. Among the contents of the article are:-

"Anwar Ibrahim, the former Vice President of Malaysia was jailed and tortured by the Malaysian regime for fighting for democracy and human rights. Anwar Ibrahim is a religious Muslim and an expert on Islam and democracy. I had the pleasure of meeting Anwar twice during November 2005 and spending some time with him. I asked Anwar Ibrahim what should the Palestinian Authority do with Hamas and should Hamas be allowed to participate in the coming elections. Anwar Ibrahim was decisive and more than explicit – he said that a pre-condition for any party to participate in democratic elections must be to disarm. Armed militia or parties should not be allowed to participate in a democratic process because it makes a mockery of democracy and the notion of freedom. Sharon would have liked that answer and would have agreed 100% with Anwar Ibrahim, who if he was a Palestinian could have been a partner for negotiations in Sharon’s view. Mahmoud Abbas, while seen by Sharon as a gentleman and much more likable than Arafat, has still not risen to the position of being considered a partner. Sharon had no intention of negotiating with Abbas. Sharon had no intention of leading a negotiated peace process with the Palestinians at this time".

"It is really sad that Sharon is not witness to the overwhelming outpouring of good wishes that he is receiving from all over the country and the world. Sharon was one of the most hated politicians in the last decades both in Israel, the region and around the world. He is now regarded as a great statesman and leader. He certainly gained my respect for what he did this past year. His history will not be forgotten but he did leave the political arena with a different legacy – one that has brought new hope to the region"

p/s: Harap Anwar tidak seperti yang digambarkan oleh penulis tersebut.


Anonymous said...

Akhirnya!!! Akhirnya aku sampai juga ke tempat kawan bola aku ni!!! Hidup Ayeeeedd!!!!

cohong gym said...

Itu yang aku maksudkan dulu, Anwar adalah pemimpin pilihan Yahudi dan US. Media US menggambarkan Anwar sebagai pejuang demokrasi dan islam. Demokrasi & Islam? mungkin demokrasi dan islam cara Yahudi dan US.
Aku pernah diberitahu oleh kawan, masa Anwar masih TPM, ketika mesyuarat di US (tak ingat mesyuarat apa), dia dibentangkan dengan permaidani merah. Tapi Dr. Mahathir, selaku PM hanya menerima sambutan yang biasa sahaja.
Nampak sangat Anwar & US berkomplot.

Abafahim said...

Kebimbangan aku melebihi dan menjangkaui fahaman politik. Cuma aku tergambarkan generasi anak-anak aku akan datang.

zuzrin said...

Aku dari dulu lagi dah suspicious kat Anwar nie. Lepas keluar jail, memanjang keluar negara. Kemana la tu agaknya?
Dan lagi satu perkara, pasal income dia. Nak kata kerja, takde pulak companynya, nak kata berniaga, tak tau pulak apa yang dijualnya. Ke ada orang @ company @ negara yg sponsor?

Anonymous said...

den ngaso ada yang sponsor tu. cuba check kat akaun keadilan mana duit masyuk?

cohong gym said...

itu pun aku musykil. mana dia dapat duit pegi sana pegi sini. kalau dia jadi lecturer kat US, mengajar bakal pegawai-pegawai kerajaan untuk US dan Israel, berapa la sangat gaji. memang la lumayan tapi tak mungkin banyak giler. aku takut ada pihak luar yang sponsor dia. aku jadi lebih takut kalau pihak luar tu adalah US dan Yahudi.

Anonymous said...

Tuduhan anwar agen CIA, ada 3 billion semenjak 1999 dulu pon buktinya masih xde sampai hari ini!!!

Kalau Tun Dr M dan anwar berdamai alangkan bagus!! Hanya Anwar, Tun Dr M dan Allah sahaja tahu perkara yang benar.

Aku lebih bimbang apabila pemimpin melayu yg korup jadi menteri, kerana mereka inilah yg menggadai bangsa melayu... bukti...WPI