Monday, April 28, 2008

Surprise revelation?

Source Rocky's Bru:-

Karpal has managed to hide his racist and opportunistic political approach by riding on his so-called courage of being vocal and not mincing his words in criticising the BN Government.

A good example is his expose of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sexual transgressions sometime during the first quarter of 1998 at a DAP convention held in Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

At that time, Ummi Hafilda Ali and Azizan Abu Bakar, the two main witnesses in the Anwar’s sodomy trial, had given their sworn affidavits of Anwar’s sexual misdemeanour.

Karpal had stood before the DAP audience and said to the effect hat he had proof of the Deputy Prime Minister’s sexual misdeeds and challenged the Prime Minister (Dr Mahathir) to take action against his deputy.

It may sound unbelievable but I’m sure some DAP leaders or those who had since left the party would be more than prepared to come forward to verify this.

This revelation was made some five months before accusations of Anwar being a sodomite was made public or taken up by Dr Mahathir himself.

However, when Anwar was finally charged in court for sodomy based on the affidavits of Ummi Hafilda and Azizan, what did Karpal do?

For more info: Rocky's Bru 2

p/s: Tansparent huh?


fendy_ahmad said...


Saudara, menarik penulisan yang ditampilkan di sini :)

terima kasih kerana melawat blog saya.. InsyaAllah akan saya lawati blog saudara sentiasa, dapat berkongsi apa yang patut..


Anonymous said...

apa2 pon, hakikatnya tun dr nahathir telah melakukan suatu tuduhan fitnah palsu sesama islam secara tidak langsung menipu org islam malaysia.

Ini lah kesilapan mahathir paling besar yg memberi impak kepada landskap politik negara!!!

Terima kasih Tun!!

Bekas UMNO

Anonymous said...

karpal sing ni memng kafir laknatulllah!!!

memang patut dilempang sahaja!!!

bekas UMNO

fendy_ahmad said...

Apapun berlaku, walau malam dan siang berputar terbalik.. Sama sekalis aya tidak akan memberi sedikit ruangpun di dalam jiwa ini untuk mempercayai atau menyokong si KARPAL SINGH dan kembarnya LIM KIT SIANG !

Ideologi agung DAP ini jangan kita lupakan. Walau bagaimana ikhklasnya mereka (KELIHATANNYA..) sejak dua menjak ini, mainan politik legasi PAP ini memang cekap...

Jangan kita pula yang menyesal nanti...

Selamanya UMNO....

cohong gym said...

What do you aspect.........kalau dah lidah bercabang 3

Anonymous said...

Ado jugak org MELAYU yg nyokong duo kapir ni... sampai ke telingo den dio akan sokong sesapo/parti apo pun kok lawan UMNO.

p/s: Takkan melayu hilang di dunio, tp ado melayu yg nk jadik hambo kek negaro sendiri.